Future scope of ReactJS

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that supports for both front and back-end development. The future scope of ReactJS is very bright. AngularJS and ReactJS are popular, it is mainly used for mobile app development. ReactJS is a framework which helps to maintain DOM (Document Object Model). With ReactJS you can create virtual DOM in JavaScript. ReactJS is a latest JavaScript framework, it is the heart for front-end developers, learn more about reactjs via ReactJS Training in Chennai. Once learning ReactJS will definitely helpful to land a great profession. According to the recent survey, there is a huge demand for ReactJS developers, so enroll now at FITA and get your dream job with the decent package.

React Native

React native is a mobile network which helps to build mobile applications (Windows, iOS and Android). It helps to create virtual DOM and the user can handle a large amount of data. With React Native you can easily identify where to change the elements in DOM.

ReactJS was developed by Facebook, it requires an MVC framework.

  1. One-way Data Binding – ReactJS uses one-way data binding, it means you need to flow in one direction.
  2. Virtual DOM –ReactJS creates helps to create virtual DOM so the developers need high flexibility and performance.

Here is the difference for ReactJS and AngularJS

  1. Simplicity – ReactJS is easy to understand and manageable.
  2. Data Binding – The lifecycle of angular is complicated and it reads the code. Reactjs doesn’t read the code.
  3. Scalability – ReactJS is testable, it makes easy to scale. ReactJS and AngularJS are almost equal in terms of scalability.
  4. Debugging – Angular is easy to write code but difficult to find the error. Sometimes, it makes the code easier so the programmers can classify the code as per their needs.
  5. Time of Development – ReactJS takes a lot of time to develop the code but it adds lots of features.
  6. Packaging – Packaging helps to deploy your code so that a user can design the web as per their requirements.

Career Support

Every individual needs to know the importance of coding, so learn coding today. Learn ReactJS today with FITA, coding helps to build the web and mobile application with additional features. Experts teach you where to use XML components and custom HTML tags. With ReactJS you can create reusable UI components.

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